Endpoint: Shoreside Vessel Photography

Please note: This API Endpoint is only available to subscribers of our Corporate plan. If you or your corporation are interested in a Corporate subscription to gain API access to the data that TankerTrackers.com, Inc. collects, please contact us for a quote.

This API endpoint returns a list of URLs containing photographs of vessels in and around various ports around the world.

Endpoint URL:

https://tankertrackers.com/api/ss/v2/[API Key]/[IMO]

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description
[API Key] The Unique API Key as indicated on the Account Management page.
[IMO] The IMO of the vessel you are requesting imagery of.

The resulting output is a JSON array containing one JSON object per shoreside image captured of this vessel, sorted oldest to newest.

Response Keys:

In the response, the data object will contain the following keys:

JSON Key Name JSON Value Type Nullable? Description
date datestring false The date the vessel was spotted at this port.
port_unlocode string false The five-character UNLOCODE of the port at which the vessel was seen.
url string false The URL to the image in question.
comment string true A comment, if any, regarding this image.
fully_laden bool false Whether or not the vessel was fully laden at the time.
partially_laden bool false Whether or not the vessel was partially laden at the time.

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