Continuation of our coverage of the seized Greek oil tankers in Iran

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For Corporate-tier clients only
Published: June 7th 2022. Updated: July 3rd 2022

How Venezuela managed its own import of Iranian gas condensate

We give you a visual tour of what happened, where and when.
Published: May 11th 2022. Updated: June 18th 2024

The Anatomy Of Russia’s Maritime Crude Oil Terminals

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Full details of Russia's maritime oil terminals and their storage tank farms
Published: April 12th 2022. Updated: November 28th 2023

Total Crude Oil & Gas Condensate Exports for 2021 vs 2020

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See the big numbers (and revenue) we've been tracking over the past two years!
Published: January 11th 2022. Updated: October 25th 2022

Scrapped Tankers Recently Involved in the Exports of Iranian and Venezuelan oil

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A complete list of tankers that have been scrapped.
Published: November 25th 2021. Updated: April 14th 2022

Iran's Gas Condensate Floating Storage

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Full list of vessels and barrel counts in the anchorage of Asaluyeh, Iran
Published: October 1st 2021. Updated: July 9th 2022

Lebanese-registered tankers involved in the Iran oil trade

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In lieu of statements by Lebanon's Hezb'Allah Secretary General regarding the possible oil deliveries from Iran.
Published: August 20th 2021.

Analysis: Iran's Strategic Floating Outposts (updated with more photos)

Our analysis of Iran's use of commercial vessels for strategic policy purposes.
Published: April 7th 2021. Updated: February 7th 2024

Reconstruction of Events: 2 Million Barrels of Suspected Iranian Crude Oil Seized by the US Department of Justice

This reconstruction is based on the DOJ affidavit.
Published: March 15th 2021. Updated: January 10th 2022

Investigation of the EMERALD (9231224) tanker

In regards to the vessel which was named as suspect in the press conference hosted by Israel's Ministry of Environmental Protection on 2021-03-03...
Published: March 4th 2021. Updated: July 9th 2022

Iran's New Oil Terminal

What role will this new terminal play? We examine the facts at hand.
Published: February 12th 2021. Updated: January 19th 2023

CALLIOP: The VLCC we Identified in Venezuela Loading Oil on Behalf of Iran

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Learn how we managed to identify the vessel
Published: December 14th 2020. Updated: February 7th 2024

Oil Transfers Can Be Hidden For Several Reasons

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A brief understanding of why certain oil shipments remain hidden
Published: November 25th 2020. Updated: May 25th 2022

The Three Sister Ships

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Published: November 3rd 2020. Updated: July 9th 2022

A Quick Explainer Of Why Iran's Oil Exports Have Boosted Lately

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Brief overview
Published: October 20th 2020. Updated: February 7th 2024

About the Iranian VLCC in Venezuela

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About the Iranian VLCC in Venezuela
Published: September 15th 2020. Updated: July 9th 2022

Iranian & Venezuelan Oil Exports Now Transported By New Actors

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Learn more about who's moving their oil.
Published: August 25th 2020. Updated: July 9th 2022

Breaking Sanctions While Also Following US Treasury's New Maritime Guidelines

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Instructions can be tricky to follow at times...
Published: August 11th 2020. Updated: July 9th 2022

Cold Case: Thirteen (out of sixteen) mysterious foreign supertankers in Iran finally positively identified (updated 2020-08-26)

A six months long investigation finally winds down to an end...
Published: July 23rd 2020. Updated: January 19th 2023

GULF SKY tanker now located

We were asked yesterday to find a missing tanker.
Published: July 15th 2020. Updated: July 9th 2022
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